Medical Conspiracy?

Last Updated on 6th March 2023 by Caroline Haye

Maybe not – but money talks

I’ll start by reassuring you that I really am not a conspiracy theorist. I just get a bit angry sometimes about the fact that modern medicine is so drug-focussed instead of being health-focussed. Vitiligo patients are only too familiar with the dismissive reaction that is the standard response of so many doctors in mainstream medical practice. “There is nothing we can do. Go away and live with it”, they tell us. I am sure that this reaction is due to the fact that until very recently [this note added in 2023] there were no drugs on the market to treat vitiligo. If there were more pharmaceutical options, they would send us off to the chemist with a prescription… Because drugs are their stock in trade. Maybe I’m overreacting, but sometimes it feels almost like a medical conspiracy.

Doctors never mention nutritional therapy

What they almost never tell us is that lifestyle changes can often be safer and more effective. And what the established western medical fraternity never, ever tells us (because most of them are lacking detailed knowledge in this area) is that nutritional therapy can provide real solutions to many difficult-to-treat diseases… Not to mention a superior quality of life long-term. 

And why does no one ever tell us this? Probably because the average medical student receives no more than half a day’s input on the subject of nutrition in their entire education… And certainly because the whole of the medical establishment in the western world is both funded and regulated by the mammoth drug companies. And it is in their interests it is to keep us sick and coming back for more of their expensive pharmaceuticals. 

If I sound cynical, it’s because I am! I don’t dispute that drugs are essential options in many cases of chronic illness. And I will be the first to cheer when a real cure for vitiligo emerges. But how did we ever arrive at this crazy state of affairs where drugs, drugs and more drugs have become the holy trinity? 

How did western medicine ever stray so far from its roots?

How did western medicine ever stray so far from its hippocratic roots? When did it start to ignore its fundamental principles that we are what we eat and that nutrition should be the first therapeutic resort? 

If you are in any doubt that Hippocrates was bang on with his exhortation “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”, you might want to take a look at the videos on the Food Matters website. Even if you take half of this information with an (un)healthy pinch of salt it will still give you some very healthy food for thought!

For details of how I reversed my vitiligo and continue to manage it, visit the following pages… The Vitiligo Therapy That Worked and Nutrition Summary.

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